Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Vacation in SIN CITY ... with toddlers (PART 1)

Hafa adai!

Fair warning, this post may be lengthy but it's worth the read because I will share with you how my husband and I survived our fun Sin City adventure with our toddlers. If we can do it, you can too!

The first thing I did - as usual - was I created an itinerary of things my husband and I will enjoy with our toddlers. Since we were on a budget, I included the fees for each place we planned to go to.  My husband laughed it me for created an itinerary but he thanked me after our month worth of exciting adventures in Sin City. Although we didn't get to do everything we put in our itinerary, we still had a blast.

BAM! Top notch itinerary. Just kidding. (I can't find the actual one we used, but you get the picture. :D)

Activity 1 - Las Vegas Natural History Museum
The Natural History Museum offers a rich history and lots of models. Our children enjoyed learning with us as there were did hands on learning. Their favorite part was digging for fossils and making pyramids!

Activity 2 - Discovery Children's Museum
My toddlers LOVED this place. I think my husband and I did too since we didn't take lots of pictures. There are three floors of fun and adventure in this museum. We actually went here right after the Natural History Museum. However, I'd recommend spending a full day here. It was hard to leave this place because of how much fun it was.

Activity 3 - Gravady
Yet another fun place for the whole family. There was an area for the younger children to enjoy, too. This place has trampolines, a foam pit (Woohoo!), and other activities. I think we visited Gravady three times during our vacation, especially because it was during summer and it was impossible to enjoy outdoor activities in the afternoon.

Activity 4 - Circus Circus 
We watched one of the FREE circus acts here. Though the place got really packed, it was definitely worth it. We were able to watch an act on aerial silk called Duo Equilibrio. It was fantastic and scary at the same time. Scary because I feared for their safety. But that's just how I am, motherly instincts? Haha.

Sorry no picture of the performers but here we are eating snacks. 

Do you want more information on the places we've gone to? Visit VEGAS.com. You could also find some hot deals that you can print out.

...adventures in Sin City to be continued

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Prepping for a Long Flight with Toddlers

Hi all!

I have been traveling with toddlers for almost 3 years now and though it isn't easy, being prepared is probably the best bet for us to survive! On today's post, I'm going to share what has helped me with my 1- 12 hour long flights with TWO wonderful and energetic toddlers.

I've always booked my flights based on my toddler's nap times. In most cases, I chose daytime flights. However, when we flew over 6 hours, I chose a night time flight. It worked out perfectly because we did some of our usual routines before bed and they both slept through the flight! Of course, my back and bottom wasn't too comfortable but better that than uncomfortable toddlers, right? Haha.

You know your children better than anyone else so make sure that you have a checklist ready to pack all of your kids' essentials. If you know that your destination will have the things you may need, only pack enough for the flight. I will create a new post for my personal checklist.

I pack my toddlers' favorite snacks. I usually pack something for every three hours we are in the air. For example, if we were on a six hour flight, I'd pack two snacks for each of my children. I usually pack light snacks like crackers.

I packed two empty sippy cups because I was able to request for milk, juice, or water once we were in the plane. I purchased two spill-proof Playtex cups with straws that worked wonderfully for my toddlers, exactly like the one below. A little advice: If you are worried about your child's ears hurting during take of or landing, request for some juice or milk for them to sip on during these times. It has always worked like a charm for me. =)

Aside from having my toddlers' pack a few of their favorite toys and putting their favorite movies in their iPad, I prepared surprise toys and activities in large Ziploc bags and only pulled them out if needed. I'll give examples from what I prepared for our trip from Guam to Las Vegas with two layovers, Narita and LA below. Since I have two toddlers and one iPad, I purchased a splitter for their headphones.

Guam --> Narita (4 hour flight): Two small Play-Doh containers from the Party Pack, 3 small cookie cutters, piece of wax paper (so it won't stick to the table)

Narita --> LA (10 hour flight): Coloring book and crayons & plastic animals

LA --> Las Vegas (1 hour flight): Doc Mcstuffins Toy Set

I know it is tiring and a bit stressful to fly with toddlers... but keep your head up and stay calm. Though you might remember the screams and cries during flights, your child will remember the adventures.

"Adventure is out there!" -Ellie, Up