I practically grew up having rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It soon became a norm... Then I realized that my diet has to change because as I'm getting older, my metabolism is slowing down. Believe it or not, it's hard for me to accept. I LOVE food. I love to try different kinds of food and cook different kinds of food. I thought about whether I wanted to commit to this type of lifestyle. Of course, I would have to add on some exercise, too. I am in my late twenties and considered overweight according to my BMI chart. Do I really want to continue being overweight and possibly gaining more as I age? Will I find myself having health issues if I don't change my habits now? I found myself searching for the answer to my questions through other blogs and forums. I will gain more weight if I continue this lifestyle. I will find myself having health issues if I don't watch what I eat.
I began committing to be fit two weeks ago. I had the hardest time accepting the things I should be eating and the amount of time I need to put aside for exercise. Mind you, I am on summer so I am a stay at home mom at the moment. Where in the world am I going to find the time to prepare my meals and then my kids' meals? AAND tending to them at the same time? How am I even going to get to exercise? I was nagging to myself. I was nagging to my husband too. Then I remembered what I always tell me daughters and students... "You can't say you don't like to do something you haven't tried." I HATE TO DIET! I was being such a hypocrite. I had to do it. I had to commit to myself.
So far I have lost 7 pounds (five from detoxing) and gained more energy and strength. It only took me a few days to learn how to prioritize my chores and responsibilities. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I gave myself fifteen weeks to reach my goal of losing thirty more pounds. I do have a long way to go. But I am committed to be fit... I am committed to myself.
Here are some recipes that I've used during my journey.
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