Detox Regimen (14 days)
9 am - Lemon Water & CIZE workout
10 am - Detox Smoothie
1 pm - Detox Smoothie
4 pm - Snack
7 pm - Dinner (full meal) & Green Tea
Diet Regimen
9 am - Lemon Water & CIZE workout
10 am - Smoothie, Cereal, or Oatmeal
1 pm - Smoothie or full meal
4 pm - Snack
7 pm - Dinner (full meal) & Green Tea
** Although I was able to workout at the same time most mornings, there were other mornings where I had to change the time I worked out and type of workout, but I will make the effort to work out 6 days a week for at least 30 minutes.
Lemon Water has many benefits especially for weight loss. Click here for helpful information on the benefits of lemon water.
My Smoothies were easy to get used to because of the great taste it had. In my smoothie recipe post here, I did mention that I put Life's Greens supplement in it. It does change the taste altogether so if you prefer the more delicious taste of your smoothie, there is a pill form of this supplement called Green Source Multivitamins & Minerals.
Full Meals were my favorite part of the day! I also used this meal to ensure that I have met my daily caloric intake and macronutrients (fats, carbs, and protein) for the day. See my full recipes here.
Green Tea, like lemon water, has great benefits especially for weight loss. Here is more information on green tea benefits.
** If you do research online about daily calorie intake, you will find that it could be harmful to take less than 1200 calories a day. There are numerous websites where you can find out recommended calorie intake for your weight loss goals. I use MyFitnessPal to track my intake, exercise, and goals. You will also find that many websites state that it is always best to consult your physician before doing any type of weight loss regimen.
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P.S. I do have mommy stripes. ;D